Rian Johnson Directs Star Wars Episode 8 & 9

Looper and Brick Director Rian Johnson will apparently take over from J.J. Abrams to write and direct the next two chapters of Dinsey’s new Star Wars Trilogy. The acclaimed director will reportedly be taking responsibility for both Episodes VIII and XI.

The news was seemingly confirmed in the most amusing and subtle way by Johnson tweeting the below video clip of Scott Glenn in The Right Stuff. Fans will no doubt share the sentiment…

Johnson’s appointment will likely be welcomed by fans familiar with his previous work. Looper was an intelligent, original and brooding sci-fi blockbuster. He directed several episodes of the outstanding Breaking Bad and made an undeniably astonishingly accomplished debut with high school film noir homage Brick.

Johnson’s appointment also gives some indication that the new Star Wars saga will have perhaps a more mature and somber tone in-keeping with the finest traditions of Empire Strikes Back. Already hinted by the return of script writer Lawrence Kasdan. May the force be with them all.

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