New Star Wars Film Gets Writer & Original Cast

Toy Story 3 screenwriter Michael Arndt appears to be the leading candidate for producing a script for Disney’s new Star Wars film.  The seasoned writer also wrote indie favourite Little Miss Sunshine and recently adapted the screenplay for Hunger Games Sequel Catching Fire.

The most recent rumours are that Arndt has produced a 40 page treatment for Star Wars Episode7 and that this early draft is being circulated amongst top directors as a way of feeling out their interest in the challenge of reviving the Star Wars franchise. Brad Bird, J.J. Abrams and even Steven Spielberg are reportedly among those who have been sent the treatment.

As Disney pushes forward with their search for a top tier director to kick start the new trilogy of the Star Wars Saga, they’re also reportedly keen to have Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill involved. The studio is enthusiastic about the prospect of bringing back the original cast to bring a much older Luke Skywalker, Princess Lea and Han Solo to life.

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