Sly Stallone Confirms The Expendables 3

Sylvester Stallone seemed to confirm that a third film in the Expendables franchise is definitely happening during the UK Press conference ahead of the London Premiere of The Expendables 2. Sly spoke about the plans to explore “Odd Choices” and maybe even a subtle change of genre for the third film in the all-star action blockbuster series. The second film boasts [...]

Mischa Barton Launches New London Store

Acting star and fashion trend setter Mischa Barton is launching her first UK store in London’s iconic Spitalfields markets this Saturday. We joined her for cupcakes, champagne and a very lovely chat ahead of the public opening. Mischa reveals her eclectic fashion inspirations, her favourite handbags and a recent unexpected passion for heavy metal music. [...]

Ben Affleck may direct Justice League

The Town established Ben Affleck as a credibly rising star behind the camera and it now looks like Warner Bros. may offer him the chance to take on the long awaited film version of DC Comics Justice League. Combining the heroic talents of Superman, Batman  and Wonder Woman to save the world and hopefully give [...]

Sony Pictures making new ALF Movie

Sony Pictures Animation has acquired the rights to ALF, the cult classic 1980s TV sitcom about a wisecracking furry alien living with a typical American Suburban family. Tom Patchett and puppeteer Paul Fusco, the creators of the original series, will be collaborating with experience family friendly producer Jordan Kerner to revive the series on the [...]

The Hunger Games Signed Photo Competition

In celebration of the amazing London 2012 Games we have a very special competition for fans of The Hunger Games. It’s your chance to win a stunning movie still signed by Miss Katniss Everdeen herself, the beautiful Jennifer Lawrence. The rules are very simple and all you have to do to be in with a [...]

Abhisek Bachchan hosts Bollywood Olympic Party

Bollywood superstar Abhishek Bachchan hosted a Bollywood themed night of celebration at the exclusive venue of the official Olympic Timekeepers Omega last night. Olympic star athletes and inspired celebrities partied late into the night while nibbling on Indian delicacies and dancing to a steady stream of bhangra music. Sporting stars in attendance included Team GB’s [...]

Buzz Aldrin Interview Space, God & The Future

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin one of few human beings to ever venture into space and set foot on the surface of the Moon spoke to a lucky crowd of people at Omega House, the exclusive venue of official Olympic timekeepers Omega.  Answering questions he spoke about the future of space exploration, Missions to Mars, how to inspire the next generation an [...]

X-Men Days Of Future Past Sequel Confirmed

X-Men producer Bryan Singer has confirmed in a recent interview that the sequel to Matthew Vaughan’s franchise reboot X-Men First Class will be called X-Men Days of Future Past drawing inspiration from one of the most iconic and well known of the original Marvel comic series. The storyline for the ‘Days of Future Past’ sees [...]

Christopher Eccleston Is New Thor 2 Villain

Christopher Eccleston will officially be playing new villain Malekith the Accursed in Marvel’s blockbuster superhero sequel Thor The Dark World. Mads Mikkelsen had previously been the studios first choice for the role, but he recently turned down the project in favour of the lead role in NBC’s Silence of The Lambs spin-off TV series Hannibal. Now Dr [...]

He-Man Masters Of The Universe Movie News

Director Jon Chu is reportedly in talks to take over Sony’s He-Man Masters of the Universe film and bring the popular 1980s cartoon character back to the big screen.  The previous 1987 effort saw a baby oil drenched Dolph Lundgren visit earth to battle his arch nemesis Skelator with the help of plucky small town [...]