Matthew Vaughn X-Men Departure Explained

Kick Ass comicbook creator Mark Millar has explained the reasons behind Matthew Vaughn abruptly abandoning directing duties on X-Men sequel Days of Future Past. Recent rumours were that he was clearing his schedule to allow him to take on directing the new Star Wars Trilogy for Disney. However Mark Millar has now confirmed that the real reason behind scaling back Vaughn’s involvement in the X-Men and Kick Ass sequels was a sense of urgency about their other new project Secret Service.

“What we’re doing is that Kick Ass 2 is filming now, and next year we’ll start production on Secret Service which I did with Dave Gibbons “Matthew and I have been talking about that for years. We thought Matthew was going to do X-Men first, but we found out there were actually a few imitators of Secret Service in the works… People are always trying to rip you off. Somebody will start to work on a spec screenplay about your idea.”

“There are three other projects I know of now about a James Bond kind of guy taking a street kid and turning him into a spy. Three screenplays were already going through Hollywood about this! So Matthew and I said, ‘Fuck this. We’re not letting anyone steal our ideas.’”

Fighting talk from the feisty author as Secret Service rushes into production. X -Men Days of Future Past will now be directed by Bryan Singer and is set for release 18 July 2014.

World War Z New Trailer

Check Out the first trailer below for much anticipated Zombie blockbuster World War Z, directed by Marc Forster and starring Brad Pitt. The film is based on the popular book by Max Brooks about a global pandemic that plunges the world into a nightmarish total Zombie apocalypse.

The trailer suggests that long list of screenwriters who’ve been involved in the project have shifted the focus firmly onto the zombie fighting mayhem, turning the original slow burning novel into more of a traditional action film.

After a troubled production and worrying reports of extensive re-shoots the final results will arrive in cinemas in search of brains and enthusiastic audiences on 21st June 2013.

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Jurrasic Park 3D Trailer

Check out the first official trailer for the new 3D version of Steven Spielberg’s Dinosaur classic Jurassic Park. Universal is bringing the box office monster back to cinemas on April 5th so that audiences can finally know the joy of seeing both a terrifying T-Rex and Jeff Goldblum in leather trousers both in glorious 3D.

New Star Wars Film Gets Writer & Original Cast

Toy Story 3 screenwriter Michael Arndt appears to be the leading candidate for producing a script for Disney’s new Star Wars film.  The seasoned writer also wrote indie favourite Little Miss Sunshine and recently adapted the screenplay for Hunger Games Sequel Catching Fire.

The most recent rumours are that Arndt has produced a 40 page treatment for Star Wars Episode7 and that this early draft is being circulated amongst top directors as a way of feeling out their interest in the challenge of reviving the Star Wars franchise. Brad Bird, J.J. Abrams and even Steven Spielberg are reportedly among those who have been sent the treatment.

As Disney pushes forward with their search for a top tier director to kick start the new trilogy of the Star Wars Saga, they’re also reportedly keen to have Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill involved. The studio is enthusiastic about the prospect of bringing back the original cast to bring a much older Luke Skywalker, Princess Lea and Han Solo to life.

The Last Stand New Arnold Schwarzenegger Trailer

After a successful cameo in The Expendables 2 new action film The Last Stand marks the full-fledged big screen return of Arnold Schwarzenegger. This time Arnie is playing a small town sheriff who has to stop a ruthless drugs kingpin and his heavily armed gang from making a break for the Mexican border.

Following his 8 year political absence, Schwarzenegger is wasting little time re-establishing himself as a superstar. He’s already filmed prison escape movie The Tomb with Sylvester Stallone and is currently playing the leader of an elite DEA team in Ten alongside Sam Worthington. The Governator already has at least another three films in the early stages of production including Triplets the long awaited sequel to Twins. He’s also apparently committed to making a new Conan movie and part of a package for a fifth film in the Terminator franchise.

Directed by Kim Jee-Woon and co-starring Forest Whitaker, Peter Stormare and Johnny KnoxvilleThe Last Stand opens in the UK on 25 January 2013. For now you can enjoy the Trailer below: