Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 London Premiere

Twilight fans have already started camping  in London’s Leicester Square ahead of the European Premiere of Breaking Dawn Part 2 on Wednesday night. Over 100 fans are already camped out determined to get their front row spot on the red carpet or the final film in the beloved vampire love saga. The LA World Premiere [...]

Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 Full Trailer

The first full official trailer for Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 was released today in honor of Edward Cullen’s 111th Birthday. In the long awaited final chapter of the Twilight Saga Bella and Edward build their army to defend their new daughter Renesmee. The Cullens gather the other vampire clans as they prepare for a [...]

Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 New Posters

Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 has three new character posters for Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. Check out the images below showcasing just how attractive even 50% of the faces of Edward Cullen, Newborn vampire Bella and Jacob Black can be.